Search Engine Optimizaton

Optimization of Title Tags and Meta Tags

We need to add a suitable title tags and meta tags that describes what is the page or website is all about. It is used to define about the information of the page for users in search engine result page.

How to Add Title Tags?

For HTML we should use Title Tags in head section.


<head> <title> your title goes here……..</title></head>


In CMS if we are using Yoast SEO, we will add it in SEO title.

Yoast SEO:

Title Tags Yoast Plugin


Title Tags are displayed in the following area:

  • Search Engine Result Page
  • Web Browser
Search Engine Result Page:

Title tags is the first impression for the search engine users, as it is displayed in search engine result page. It is a decision making for a search engine users to click on your link or not. So it should be good and attractive title tags.Title Tags SERP

Web Browser:

Title Tags are also displayed on top of your browser window.

It should be easily recognizable. Because if the user has opened many browser tabs, this is the place where user can recognize your page.

Title Tags Web Browser



Rules and Regulations to follow to write a Good Title:
Title Length:
  • If your title is too short, it is very bad in SEO point of view.
  • The length of the title should be between 50 to 55 characters including space. We can’t define exactly how many characters we should use for title, because character width can vary.
  • The Length of the title should not be more than 55 characters. Because if it is too long search engine may not display fully and may end up missing some important keywords.
Target Keywords:
  • Use Targer Keywords in the title.
  • Use combination of keywords to rank for multiple keywords.

First Primary Keyword followed by Secondary Keyword and then Brand Name.

  • Always use primary keyword in the beginning of your title tags to rank in search results.
Brand Name:
  • End the title tags with brand name, including brand name in title can help user to recognize your brand and can drive higher click through rates.
Unique Title:
  • Title Tags must be unique and relevant, that should describes all about the content of your page.
  • Don not stuff the title with Keywords to rank. Because google won’t display your title in-spite of that it may rewrite and display on its own title for search engine results by pulling information from meta description or content of the page. It might be frustrating sometimes because chances are there that it won’t be good and doesn’t match your title tags.

 How to add Meta Tags?

In HTML, Meta description should be written in head section:

<head><meta name=”description” Content=” your meta description goes here”></head>

In Cms, If you are using Yoast SEO plugins:

Meta Tags Yoast Plugins

Meta Tags in SERP:

Meta Tags is summarize of the Page Content which is displayed in search engine result page.Meta Tags

Why Meta Tags?

Even though Google announced that they won’t consider both meta description and meta keywords for ranking.

But still Meta Tags is very important because, it is the summary of the page in search engine results.Where search engine users decides whether to click on your link or not.

Rules and Regulation we should follow for writing  Meta Tags:
  • Use target keywords in meta description tag
  • The Length of the Meta tags is less than 155 characters
  • Meta tags should end with good call to action
  • Show unique selling point in the description of Meta tags.